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Sex drive time and our food stuff

These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.

Real and artificial Love

Someone say What is pour love? .yes someone further claim, love is pour when it is with very close relationship such as with mother, with father, with brothers, with sisters or with some one else. But what happens when love is with girlfriend or with wife. It will be pure love or polluted love. Why? ,because it will polluted with sexy relationship. Remember sexual wishes are temporarily and these wishes will end with the pessage of time. If you are young, your sexual heat arose and disturb you to connect sexual relationships with some one, as your girlfriend or as your bodyfriends. Think after sexual intercourse love passion decrease but when someone is hot through sex heat his or her passion of timely love increases. But in real love, the love passion increase day by day and with the passage of time period. Please think about the love of mother with her child. A mother nourish her child in her balley for more than nine moth, more than three years protect her child from external mon...

How to achieve success in life

If your mind wish is" a successful person in life" than please make policy for your future life. Please set your goals but not stop your working field at any instance, at any cost, yes everyday monitor your progress and evaluate your progress in mathematical formulas. Everybody think about your success and think about everyday planning. Remember planning is must for all kind of success. If you are a business person and your business is at lower scale then always select one hour for your brainstorming" how can I increase my business" ,how I can achieve top" climix" of my business" ,"how I can attract more customers per day" ,"how I can increase my personal relationships with my regular and causal customers" .If your thinking stop at some point and you think you are unable to solve facing problems please take help from experts and consultants who will guide you better" how to solve different difficult problems with own thinkin...

Young kids- childerns- entertainment with toys

Why we buy toys for our kids and for our childerns?Why youngsters like toys? Are toys are source of enjoyment and youngsters entertainment? When youngsters play with toys what they think about toys, about parents? .Girls and Boys likes and dislikes are same or different from each other's. Are toys are part of kids training or a source of wasting time period. Toys are really a source of happiness for youngsters. Remember toys are better source of youngsters training and a basic guidelines for information and basic knowledge. What kinds of style and design must be of a toy, your kids will like. If you have youngsters at your home, naturally those all are loved by you. Yes kids are like flowers and everybody like and love with young childerns. What is love and how it performs well through naturally and through excellent manners. But here our topic is" childerns and toys" , "kids and toys" , "Youngsters and toys" ,and how buy toys for your child...

Real Estates businesses- Profitable Businesses

Our last and holy prophet Hazrit Muhammad (PBUH) SAYS" best businesses in the world is earth businesses" .Remember the profitable business is investing in real estate business. Really start this kind of business from zero point and invest only some amount of money, virtually this real estate business grow into very large business. Remember the" control of real estate business" is natural control and someone mind naturally suggest suggestions how to control three kind of control such as" backword control" ,"on spot control" ,"starring control", and forword control" ,.You only intend to start" real estate business" and your brain starts making management of your business. You need only basic infrastructure and  management.Further activities automatically appear from invisible ways. Are you aware of your environment and surrounding where you live or the country, inwitch you live or think about your city where someone start ...

Life-love-Future and our time-age

Youth is the proper time for love.If someone age above sixteen years or some under twenty years of age, yes it is proper age for love.These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.

What new generation watch from search engines-google search-Yahoo search-Youtube

In the past there was time when people especially students gain informations and knowledge from books,from handbooks,from megazaines,from weekly News news megazaines.Researchers traveled toword libraries to collect different kind of knowledge and different informations on their reserch topic.Professors,Lecturers,Instructures,teachers and journalists study heaps of books for spreading of knowledge.But that times has gone and become tales of past.In those days they all were able and effecient. Now in these days it is the age of internet.Many devices has been invented for the ease of human being to use internet.Many modern mobiles such as "Samsung Galaxey"," Nokia mobiles","iphones","LG mobiles","Q mobiles","Samsung Galaxey tablets", and lot of more,these all devices are invented not only for voices calls and for "text messages", but these are use for sirfeing "mobile internet", and 

Health-Healthy mind-healthy family and kitchen health

From where our safe and sound-and health health start.Yes our home kitchen is the place where our basic point of our health starts.Yes if from our home kitchen if food suppliments are well balance as the requirement of our body then it is the bales of our future health.If our nutration is accordance with the requirement of our body heat calories then our body will grow as usual but if foof is imbalance then defeciency of many food ingrents,minerals and vitamins occurs,that will cause many disorders in our body.Some expert suggest that we must choose our foos suppliment accordance with weather condition and weather situations if weather is some hot choose cold effect food supplements but when weather is some cooled then choose hot thing to eat.In the world there are some countries where people face only two weather such as summer and winter.But there are some countries like pakistan where people enjoy four weather conditions such as spring, summer,winter and autumn.Country like pakista...

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