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Sex drive time and our food stuff

These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.

Our life and our habits

Yes our life completely deepens of our habits and if our habits are pious, moderates and these as, as demands by our age and time. If our habits are not accordance with our environmental conditions then we will /cannot survive with time, with age and with environmental situation. Please benchmark yourself with others habits, compare your habits with others people. Compare your habits with honourable people, Compare your habits with effecients, able, healthy people of your society. Please always think about the habits of successful, very rich and beautiful people of your society and try to brought change in your mind, in your life and in this way change your self. Please always think about your pious, good and nice habits and also try to ponder at wrong, bed and negatively effecting your life, your career,your health and your standard in related and leading society from where you are living and spending days of your life. Sometimes you try to compare your habits with your own family m...

Mobile phone models- Purchasing choice

In these days mobile phone markets are full of with many different mobiles phones models. In every after day new" mobile phone models" are presented by mobiles phones manufacturing and producing companies. Yes in these days many mobiles phones models are available in" mobiles phones mar ket" someone choice dispersed, whether one should purchase new mobile phone of' what manufacturing mobile phones compney. How to shop New mobile phone set from market? If you want to purchase new mobile phone set, please first and foremost you think about your" purchasing power" if you have sufficient amount of money in your pocket then you try to purchase new mobile phone set from market with very high quality mobile phone set. Very costly mobile phone set are more reliable and with very high quality of hardware and affiliated and equipment with very reliable spare parts. If you like to use your mobile phone for some months and resell at reasonable prices in"...

Smoke away from young- not in front of them

If you are smoker and chain smoker, please remember you must not smoke in front of young childerns, because smoking cause cancer, lungs diseases, mouth cancer, esophagus cancer, teeth disorders, lips disclouring, and heart problems in human being. So please if you are regular smoker and your habit is to smoke again and again first you try to stop smoking and if you are unable to stop the smoking then you shouldn't smoke near or in front of young childerns. You think why you shouldn't smoke in front of young childerns because some of them may like to imitate you and try to adopt your bed habits. Because young childerns not know in what way the cigarette can cause life threatening disorders for human health. Please remember" human life is unrecoverable" yes if human life change in to death again life from death can't recover, so human life is first and foremost duty to save, yes not only your own life and other's life's and like your life, please save life...

Abortion and girls- character- Health issues

What is abortion? To kill her young baby before birth, killing her embryo while very young and In innetional stage of development, yes girls destroy her embryo while embryo is in overy. Killing of embryo in overy or womb and till at basic developing stage. Please again think about" girls abortion" and" young girls health ".in some countries of the world" abortion is lawful and abortion laws and related issues are protected with country laws, rules and provide full and complete authority to all girls, enjoy sex and sexual excitement with men and boys. If they bear preggent during intercourse they are allowed to destroy their pregnancy with chemicals, with harmful medicines, with injections having harmful effects on girls health. Yes in those countries little embryo that can take the shape, and can develop in to" human being" are allowed to kill and destroy in early stages of development. It is curilty, it is cruility or not. If yes why government al...

Eat these foods everyday and increase your manpower

Every body like to enjoy sex everyday with his wife or with his girlfriend because every day intercourse fresh the brain of men and enjoy and sexy enjoyment increase the health, beauty, calm and sleeping needs. Furthermore regular enjoy and practicing sex and exercising with excitement is treatment for many brain and human body disorders. If someone regularly exercise sex practice everyday or some every after day his or her health will climb through high scale. Remember sexual exercise and sexual practice in essential part and parcel of human male and female life. Every body like to play with his or her life partner for sometimes but for sexual practice and exercising very much stamina is needed. But week male and female are unable to do sexual exercise with regular intervals. For enjoying sexual excitement regularly some one must eat high and much calories containing foods ingredients. Because foods provide suitable amount of heat and energy to the human body. Yes if someone eat eno...

How one can guess the girl is still vergin

How one can determine the girl is still girl,still vergin,zerometer,still untouched,still no boy or man polluted her and still her passed life is free from virginity blood.Still her vigena not touched with men penis.Any sitable methodology,some suitable tools and techniques with them one can understand about girls verginety.Can one claime exectly "the girl is still vergion,zerometer and still untouched. Yes if someone girl claim"She is still untouch through boys and men,still zerometer.how she will provide her virginity proof to her husband or to her boyfriend?.Because in many different societies of the world "secondhands girls are dislik and no one accept them as a wife,especielly in muslims society this is "great sin" to lose her virginity before merrage.only her husband has rights to pollute her and enjoy from her "first touch".Yes the mulsims are execitely at right path because "polluted girls"are storage of different bacterias and h...

Kidney disease and treatment

Allah gifted to the human being with two kidneys and these two kidneys are situated at lower abdominal part of human body. Human excreatory system consists of kidneys, urethra, urinary bladder, and last opening duct, in human male" penis" and in human female" vigena" from where raw flood flow from human body. These two last opening hole also used for other purposes such releasing semins in female vigena. But kidneys are basis for human excreatory system. Kidneys anatomy show that these two most important human orgeons consists of some others compartment or subsystems. There are pyramids and mailpeghian capsules. Our kidneys filter flood from our blood and release these floods from urethra and these floods are store in urinary bladder, and when urinary bladder full filled with urine a suggestion in the from of rays travel to words our brain and then our brain analyise these suggestions as a" standard" if accumulated flood" urine" amount unbearab...

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