These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.
Question: "write five odd numbers those sum will be a' even number".
For example, 1,3,5,7,9,=even figure.
(Although 1+3+5+7+9=25)
Here above there are five odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9,and aggregate is 25.yes when five odd figures are added answer is an odd number.
Please suggest any five odd numbers that's aggregate must be an even number.
Remember even figures are those figures that can be divided in to equal parts, now observe some examples, 2/2=0
4/2=2 and when 6/2=3
Now another question is
Write 4and 4times and answer must be 100.
You can use any symbols and sign of mathematics and any kind of mathematical formula for solving this mathematical problem.
Remember although mathematical question raise anguish problem while solving but improve our brain health and raise our thinking.
Please share with your friends and public to get answer of above mention mathematical problems. Please inform me about answers in" comments" or directly write me e-mail at My" Gmail "address.
Please write details about solving these two questions.
For example, 1,3,5,7,9,=even figure.
(Although 1+3+5+7+9=25)
Here above there are five odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9,and aggregate is 25.yes when five odd figures are added answer is an odd number.
Please suggest any five odd numbers that's aggregate must be an even number.
Remember even figures are those figures that can be divided in to equal parts, now observe some examples, 2/2=0
4/2=2 and when 6/2=3
Now another question is
Write 4and 4times and answer must be 100.
You can use any symbols and sign of mathematics and any kind of mathematical formula for solving this mathematical problem.
Remember although mathematical question raise anguish problem while solving but improve our brain health and raise our thinking.
Please share with your friends and public to get answer of above mention mathematical problems. Please inform me about answers in" comments" or directly write me e-mail at My" Gmail "address.
Please write details about solving these two questions.