These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.
Uttered words from mouth can sway on others in differeny ways.When one utter harsh word for his son or for her daughter,these words for his or her guidence, he or she will not think bitter due to very close relationship.But one utter some wrong,harsh and tocall words with some stranger then stranger will repeat those words for you, he will no bear tolerance for you and in this way row will start.So use your word accordance with situations.Experts suggest that prepare yourself accordance with related environment.Think about a home where father is all in all,after this mother is responsibile for all other activities.If father and mother quarrel with eachother then childern will coppy to their parent in future and will use the same words with strangers and with this young childern.Then new rites and customs will appear for next generations.So please stop harsh and wrong words to utter with others.
If you are candidate and want to join some batter job position in a suitable organization where interview is must.How you will prepare for your face to face interview.Because infront of top level manager you speak words and these words when combines form a setence and these setences will show your abilities,competencies and zeal with related job offer.Remember here your words will defend you and your future success will be fully connected/associated with your words spoken at spot infront of top level officer.
If you are lover and you like a beautiful girl to becom your girlfriend.Think what words you will utteer to connect very close relationship with her.please remember lovely words are excellent tools than very large and big amount of money.With money only materials things one can buy but with sweet words brain,mind,thinking and feeling can catch in the nest of love.
If you are candidate and want to join some batter job position in a suitable organization where interview is must.How you will prepare for your face to face interview.Because infront of top level manager you speak words and these words when combines form a setence and these setences will show your abilities,competencies and zeal with related job offer.Remember here your words will defend you and your future success will be fully connected/associated with your words spoken at spot infront of top level officer.
If you are lover and you like a beautiful girl to becom your girlfriend.Think what words you will utteer to connect very close relationship with her.please remember lovely words are excellent tools than very large and big amount of money.With money only materials things one can buy but with sweet words brain,mind,thinking and feeling can catch in the nest of love.