These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.
From all creatures flowers and birds and beautiful, and every person love and like them. Although" man" is the crown of creation on the earth/ in univers, but some animals are wise then human being.Think about a dog who smelling sense is greater than all other creatures. Dogs can hear the sound of any supersonic jet that is away from many miles or kilometers from his or her. From the start of the human civilization till this advanced age and scientific age animals and birds are faithful friends of human being. From beginning till this time human mind accept the friendship of birds and animals." Love with animals and love with birds" are fitted formely in human brain. Human brain accept such type of love throughout his or her whole of future life.
Because every one likes and dislikes are different from each other. Someone like birds and sometimes some one like Animals to pet at home. Even someone like to pet at very dangerous and poisonous species of snakes. Some richest people like to pet at home lions, kubs, Panthers, and heavy body animals like elephants and hourse. Remember from all animals, dogs are very faithful animal. And many people like to pets dogs at home. Sometimes some females like to pet" beautiful cats" as a pet at home. Although cats are not so dangerous for others peoples but some time If cats are angry, then they try to cut some one with their teeth.
Some people love with birds and those people like to pet birds in their home. Pegion are famous from those. Some people like to pet quail, queers, sparrows, crows, falcon, eagles, and doves to ingages in their homes. Some people like periot and like to incage in their homes. Young childerns also like to play with animals and love with animals. Remember, the symbol of" peace" is also a bird with the name" dove" .If someone like to hear the lovely voices, sounds, and noises of different birds, please view some hill place at evening time. And enjoy from the lovely ,musical songs and tun.eful voices of those birds. Please observe with kean interest these sounds, noises or lovely songs. Try to learn the language of birds.
If someone like to pet dog at home then someone should try to pet the couple of dogs. One must be male dog and other must be female dog (bitch) .And every year provide them a chance to enjoy" dog sex" with each others. In this way New generation will continue and furthermor?e they will be able to enjoy sex every years. Remember some generations of the dogs enjoy sex and feel sexual excitement every six months so provide them a chance to enjoy sex and sexual intercourse. Some time female dog can't pass through from pregnant process and feel heat of sex before one month time period. Dog also feel heat and want to enjoy from sex.
"Dog sex" process are enjoyable even young girls and old women feel enjoyment during dogs intercourse. In some countries of the world" dog sex" ,"Dogs sexual process" are celebrate in a ceremony. ,where a gathering appear and all people sit on chair. After some time bitch and dog are unleashed in a ground. And all people watch the sexy foreplay of dogs. Some dogs lovers catch these moments in their mobile phone memory card. And save all sceans as a live videos of"dogs sex" even girls can watch such" dog sex party" yes girls also can enjoy from dog sex and dog sexual foreplay. When dog insert his tight and strong penis in female vigena girl feel and become hot. And in this way those enjoy dog sex in a big crowd
Dogs sex and dog sexual foreplay videos are available at YouTube and on internet. If you want to like those dogs sex videos, now search and watch on your mobile phone set five inches screan. You need only internet connection. If internet connection is available to you then enjoy from" dog sex" videos will your girlfriend or with your boyfriend. Please also feel about yourselfhttps;//