These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.
Please follow these some tips in your future life. Remember if you completely follow these tips then your future life will be pious, good deeds acting and free from defects. All there is no" super human" but always try to think positively and ignore dark side of bad qualities of" notorious" .
Remember some qualities are from Allah gifted and this is known as" natural qualities. All human born with same qualities but environment and society changes their habits. Although some habits are inherited from parents, and as some qualities and features transfer from parents to childerns. If parents are theifs then their children's will be theifs, it is not true. Nature maps all at/ with excellent qualities of life. But future life is under the entire actions of individual life. How someone try to/ think for spending his or her future life.
Always speak truth with others, remember, always others will try to speak truth with you. Because they knew you are right, kind and strateforword person." Truth speaking" have a excellent and greatest power and it will be visible every where from your character, from your behavior, from your relationship, from your passion, from your thinking and from your some or all your future actions, reactions and on ways of spending future life.
Don't tell lie. If someone is liar and always tell lies with others people of respected and related living society, no person from society will respect him Because every person of society know that that always tell lies with others. Lies are mother of all liar, and all liar born from one mother. So please always remember in someone speak lies once in life, future life gape will fill with some same kind of lies. Yes these series will continue for whole of future life. Liar always think negatively and observe dark sides of people. Liar and liar lies qualities and properties will transfer from generation to generation and whole society of liar will appear on the patch of earth. So please always speak truth and don't tell lies with others and to others. Save your childerns from this curse. Save your next generation from telling lies.
Respect others, others will respect you. It is common observation if someone respects others people of society, then others people of society will respect much better. High and shine character people are respected every where in all societies of the world. If you can't try to respect others, the other people will deal your like a stranger and wild person.
Please always think about your duties and responsibilities. As a" human being" there are our duties and responsibilities on our shoulders. There are rights and grains, there are problems, there are different hardships. But all difficulties have some suitable" salvation" .so try to solve those all problems and try to stop incoming issues.
Don't disturb others. Don't disturb others people as some of them are you neighborhood people, family members and old people. Childerns rights and childerns love. If discharge your duties and responsibilities will full and proper control, others people will not ignore you. So please try to spend your life like a" super human" .Now read and share with friends, family members and also with public from Facebook, from Twitter, and from others social media. Please spread good deeds acts in the world. And your matto must be" peace of the world"https;//