These blog posts will show you"How much importance of every moment of our life".what,why and how we are wasting our life precious assets"Time".Remember how much time we are wasting perday,perweek,permonth,peryear,and as whole through out our life.Is it true"time and tide wait for non.Think! but why?.How and where we use our spare time.Some suggestions about this in these blog posts.
If you are smoker and a chain smoker or causal smoker, remember you are decreasing your future life and future life days. How cigarettes smoke decrease someone life? .How cigarettes smoke cause cancer? .how cigarettes smoke cause asthma and some others diseases in males and females? .how cigarettes smoke is dangerous for younger health. Cigarettes smoke cause
Only cancer or some others diseases such as teeth decaying, mouth cancer, even all cancers.
Only cancer or some others diseases such as teeth decaying, mouth cancer, even all cancers.
If cigarettes cause so many life threatening disorders and diseases in human being then why these" death sticks"are produced and manufacture at commercial leave. Why governments of different countries licenced these" death certificate" to people. Yes people also known about the dangerous effects on their health as cigarettes smoke surfaces, even then some people smoke regularly? But why those people dislike" future life" and want to decrease life days." CIGARETTES SMOKE ARE LIKE SUCIDE "If someone like to decrease life days, If someone request' death' so early age, If someone like to bear" human body disorders and diseases pain, If someone want to die soon, then will cause death soon. Please remember our Allah gifted life and orders us enjoy with/ from your lovely life. So always think about, how to improve your health, how increase your life so long. If someone health is safe and sound then someone can enjoy life and future life days. But if someone start cigarettes smoking some early age, yes someone is getting" death certificate" from his or from her own hands. He or she is writing" death certificate' with his own will.
How cigarettes smoke decrease someone life days? .Researchers, experts, specialist and doctors Warren smokers" only one cigarettes smoke can decrease sex minutesfrom someone life time, but some researchers says one cigarettes smoke decrease only three minutes from smokers life. If you are smoker and always smoke 2o cigarettes per day. Then calculate the twenty cigarettes decreasing life days. Please continue these calculations some furthermore. Calculate" your decreasing life days" such as per weak, per month and per year. If you are genious and you think the average life of a person is seventy five years, please minis these days from your future life days. What will be results, what will be answers and what will be conclusions and out comming from these results. Now you are ready to stop smoking. Will you like to buy cigarettes packets from" cigarettes shop" ,will you like to stop smoking from these death sticks?
If you are related with" cigarettes businesses" ,"purchasing and selling cigarettes" if you a kind heart, if you are pious, if you think others life is like your own like then please stop" cigarettes businesses" and try to change your' cigarettes businesses' with some others businesses. If your business is related with cigarettes you are selling" death stuff" ,and you are making profits from killing others life's. Remember killing of human being with the bullet of gun is same as some one is killing human being with cigarettes. So please stop to killing and destroying life of others people. Remember" at the end day" Allah will ask" how many people lives you destroy with your